Friday, October 17, 2014

It's Dreaming Season (Training Peaks Blog Post)

I couldn’t help but repost this!  I love it!  Big dreams + hard work = sweet rewards

It's Dreaming Season

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 | By TrainingPeaks
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The smile at the end of the finish line- the one of satisfaction, the reward of a job well done. That smile doesn’t just happen. The athlete shining that smile has set a plan in place, followed that plan, worked hard, and achieved their goal. But before that, before the planning and work began there was something else. A dream.

Dreams are where the journey starts. They set you down the path towards achieving something you may not have believed you could accomplish. They are what drive you to fit workouts into hectic schedules and push you when you want to quit. They put you on a journey towards something greater than the reward itself. Following through on your dreams takes commitment and sacrifice, which only add to the sweetness of the reward. The best part about dreams is that they never have to stop. When one dream is realized it simply inspires you to dream again. And dream bigger.
As the Dreaming Season begins for 2015, we encourage you to dream bigger than ever. Believe in your true potential and set a goal for this year that will challenge you in new ways. It may be to go faster, it may be to try a new event, but whatever your dream is, now is the time to start taking action. Plan your season now by putting your events on the calendar. Look for a training plan to keep you fit through the winter. Find a coach that will dial in your workouts to your exact needs. All of these steps can help turn that big dream into the result of a lifetime.

Take all that you accomplished this year and build on it. Don’t be afraid to take that next step, put it all out there and see just how far you really can go.

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