Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Back to Swimming and Ahead of the Game!

I’ve taken over a month off from swimming.  I have a 45 minute drive one-way to the pool and I’ve been focusing on running.  I decided to start swimming again because Ironman Texas scares me!  Last year we got extremely lucky and the swim was wet suite legal (wetsuits make the swim much easier because of added buoyancy).  I’m not counting on the fickle Texas weather to allow another wetsuit legal swim, so back to the pool I go.

My first real swim workout was an 1800 yard swim.  I felt strong the entire time and I was bragging to my Dad about the fact that I couldn’t even swim one 25 yard length down the pool when I started.  He replied, “But yeah, look how long you’ve been swimming.  Hasn’t it been 2.5 years!”  Yes, that’s my point exactly! 

When I first started triathlon I HATED swimming, sorta liked cycling, and LOVED running.  But I stuck with the swimming.  I’ve endured swimming next to the children’s swim team and having them zoom past me, finishing at the back of my age group multiple times, and sputtering and gasping for air more times than I can count.  I HATED swimming, it was only a means to an end.  But I didn’t quit, even though I was extremely frustrated at times.  Now, I like all parts of triathlon equally and I’ve been looking forward to swimming!  Swimming 2.4 miles in a lake and 1.2 miles in the ocean with huge swells and wind are some of my biggest accomplishments.  I still may not be the fastest swimmer but I’m still improving.  I’m starting ahead of the where I was last year, so Ironman Texas here I come!

Having an official NET swim cap with my last name makes me feel like a fantastic swimmer!

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