Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2013 Rose City South Midwest Sprint Triathlon Race Report

650M Swim, 14.1 mile Bike, 3 mile run

Background:  I competed in this triathlon last year and it was my first triathlon ever!   I completed it last September with a total time of 1:44:39.  I thought I did well but I knew I needed to improve and I have been waiting all year just to see how far I’ve come as a triathlete.

Prerace:  Well, my mother took me to this triathlon and she is not really a morning person and we were running a little late.  But, I got everything set up with no problems and I had plenty of time to spare.  Wow, what a difference a year and 7 more tri’s under my belt makes.  My transition set-up is so much easier now.  My age group was the last swim wave to start, so I snacked on HoneyStinger Chews and sipped water.  I wasn’t really even nervous; I was just ready to get the show on the road.

Swim:  When I started last year this was by far my weakest discipline.  I could not even swim all the way down a 25 yard pool, so just completing an open water swim was a huge victory.  My time last year was:  21:33 and I was 19th out of 22 in my age group.  Well, I have really focused on my swim.  My coach has done a great job, she has an IPAD she uses to film us under the water and she held on open water swim clinic that really helped me with sighting.  My swim time was 16:44 and I was 9th out of 16 in my age group.  BIG improvement! J

T1: This a long long long run through a pasture.  Last year I was totally dazed and confused from the swim, my time was 2:54.  This year I was mentally prepared and my time was 2:19.  I think as my swim improves, my T1 will also improve.

Bike:  This is a hilly and challenging course.  The roads are so rough in places that I’m afraid I will chip a tooth!  Last year my time was 54:33.  This year the course changed a little, the turnaround was down another road.  My time was 55:10, I was 9th out of 16 in my age group.  I had a sneaking feeling that the course was longer and when I checked my bike odometer it said 14.6!  So the course was ½ mile longer.  I was somewhat happy with my time, but I need to work on climbing.

T2:  I love T2, I finally get to run!  Last year my time was 1:04 and this year it was :44!

Run:  Last year my time was a smoking 24:33.  This year I really found anther gear, my time was 23:16 and I was 5th out of 16 in my age group.  This is where I really made up ground and it got me an age group award!

Overall:  I have made so many improvements, but there is always room to get even better.  This first year of triathlon has changed my life.  I can do anything I set my mind to.  HARD WORK, PAYS OFF!

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